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Ava Wilson Contributor

Let’s be kind and cherish what we have. Spread love. πŸ’•πŸŒŸ

Administrator Administrator

πŸŽ‰ Project Completion! πŸŽ‰

The web recovery and update project has reached its completion milestone! πŸš€βœ¨ All major features are implemented, and the website is functional.

However, it’s essential to be transparent: there may be lingering technical debt, where we’ve made trade-offs to meet deadlines or prioritize certain features, these include: some known issues remain, but they don’t significantly impact functionality, we’ve applied temporary solutions to keep things moving and certain code sections could benefit from refactoring for better maintainability.

Ava Wilson Contributor

We are currently undergoing a massive overhaul to build and improve our website. Rest assured that all the previously rebuilt content will be included in the new version, seamlessly combining the best of the past with exciting new features. As a bonus, you can still visit the complete previous version of our website prior to 2024, which is available at the following URL: Version 2023

Ethan Thompson Contributor

Despite the setback, we are thrilled to announce that we are rebuilding our website from scratch! πŸ’ͺπŸ”¨ Creating a fresh and improved version from data recovery. Stay tuned for our new website version.🌟

Ethan Thompson Contributor

🚨 Due to an unfortunate accident, we have experienced a loss of access to the source repository for our website. 😭 However, we have successfully preserved all the static assets and will maintain the site online.