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Haji Misbach the Propagandist

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Haji Misbach the Propagandist

Perhaps there is familiar to fans of Indonesian history to hear or read the name of a Hajj which is also known as a radical left movement activist. Yes, Hajj Misbach or Red Hajj (1876 - 1926) was a batik merchant from Surakarta, known as vocals voiced loudly against the colonial government, starting his work from the Islamic organization then defected but remained loud against coloniality. Some literature said Hajj Misbach matched the teachings of Islam with communists who according to their assumptions had similarities 1, according to other sources of defecting Haji Misbach precisely because of dissatisfaction with Islamic organizations where he joined those who did not pay attention to marginalities and were not firm against the colonial colonial government 2, Haji Misbach is famous as propagandis especially after joining the radical journalistic group at that time. Haji Misbach ended his life at the disposal of the invaders in Manokwari West Papua, 1926, was buried in the ancient funeral complex of Penndy, Manokwari, Papua. 3

Hajj Titles are Actually Honored

Uniquely Hajj in Indonesia is an honorary degree carrying for people who have carried out trips to the Holy Land of the Muslims (Mecca) and carry out the Hajj Ritual on the Kabah site. Although actually the Hajj title is not common used before name in other countries, but it has become a culture in Indonesia that they according to the customs of the community should have honor, the Hajj in the view of the community is the level of glory that someone has even implemented the pillars of Islam which is all five (creed, prayer, zakat, fasting and Hajj) and therefore the community has an assessment that a Hajj should be more level than most people.

Although certainly the view is not entirely true because Hajj is the same as most people can make mistakes and despicable things, respect the community to the Hajj is at least based on the sacrifice of their pilgrimage by using much money and time to go to Mecca. The amount of costs for hajj in ancient times just too expensive because the length of the pilgrimage can be taken for months requiring sufficient provisions and not a few pilgrims who cannot return to the country because of illness or died on the trip. Because it is difficult and the high cost of the Hajj travel then only those who are fairly rich and usually have a respectable position in the community who can depart for the Hajj.

Likewise with the Hajj Misbach that we will tell briefly. Haji Misbach was born in Kauman, on the west side of the North Square, right in front of the Kasunanan Keraton near Surakarta Agung Mosque. When he was a child, he was named Ahmad, then changed his name to Darmodiprono after marriage. And after performing the Hajj, then he was known as Haji Mohamad Misbach. His father was a religious official in addition to a rich batik trader.

Since childhood, it used to help her father trade batik. At school age, he joined religious lessons from pesantren, in addition to the school of Bumiputera “Ongko Loro”. The Islamic boarding school and the Surakarta Palace environment then affected the figure of Misbach later became a mubaligh. Although his parents served as a religious official of the palace, this did not make him far from the problems faced by the marginal people.

After going to perform the Hajj in the Holy Land, his name turned into Hajj Muhammad Misbach. Despite the formal education of the Netherlands but Haji Misbach was unable to speak Dutch both read and write, but Hajj Misbach was very proficient in Arabic. Because of the fact that the weaknesses have many historical researchers the movement states that Hajj Misbach is more famous among religious education and traditional Islamic boarding schools than as a national movement figure.

Figures for the Movement of Islamic Youth

The beginning of the XX century Surakarta was the center of the production of Batik and Hajj Misbach has not been widely known in the world of movement because of his busy life as a batik entrepreneur, his business counted successfully as he established a batik house. Medio 1910 Misbach emerged as a figure of movement of young Islamic people in Surakarta, unlike in Yogya at that time there was no influence as strong as KH Ahmad Dahlan and Muhammadiyah in Surakarta, this was because in Surakarta, the first modern religious school in Java, Mamba’ul Madrasah Ulum established by Patih R. Adipati Sosrodiningrat (1906) and Sarekat Islam (SI) had already taken place as a container of Islamic movement activists. In Surakarta, progressive religious employees, Kiai, Al-Quran teachers, and batik traders have authoritative forums. That’s where their opinions are often different from each other. This group calls themselves “Islamic Youth”. The movement of the Islamic youth is all modernist but not all reformists. Islamic activities in Surakarta are much influenced by progressive kiai in the method of delivering but the orthodox is filled with its dak’wah, such as Kiai Arfah and KH Muhammad Adnan. Until one day orthodoxy which tended to avoid the ijtihad was divided in 1918. Misbach enrolled as a member of Sarekat Islam when established in Surakarta in 1912, but was not too active because of his busy priority as a batik entrepreneur.

Radical Pioneer Journalists

Inlandsche Journalist Bond (IJB) is known as a radical journalist organization, IJB was founded by Mas Marco Kartodikromo, a student of Tirto Adhi Surjo, Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo, Sosro Kartono and also displayed the name Ki Hadjar Dewantara. The relations of opposing the colonial government caused IJB members often trial and even exiled to Digul. In 1914 Misbach registered as a member of IJB, with a simple reason that he was a Customer newspaper Doenia moved, a newspaper which was an organ of IJB.

Haji Misbach’s journey counted sporadic, closeness, zig-zag. Starting from the Mubaligh Islam family growing in the religious education and Islamic boarding schools filling youth as moving Islamic youth, many Muhammadiyah writers who trace the Misbach Hajj trail said that he came home as a comrades to be opposite, even though it was not hostile, his name was quite well known together Muhammadiyah historical figure. His tombs are often visited to just prove or vent curiosity. Maybe some people can just consider as myth because they have never been mentioned in the formal history books.

His concern for the workers and marginalizers generally caused Hajj Misbach to be often involved and is quite good at regulating labor acts, such as the strike, the work was gained trust as a propagandist of the labor organs. Especially after starting association with communist figures until Misbach got the nickname as “Red Pilgrimage”.

Are Islam and Communism in line?

According to Hajj Misbach Islam taught to fight the oppression and injustice this was in line with the communist understanding he believed. In this case emotional and awareness of Haji Misbach felt the suffering of his brothers due to colonialism. When there was a split of CSI (Central Union of Islam) Haji Misbach docked into the Red of Communist and close to the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) and even being led by the PKI leader in Surakarta. Its beliefs are only one “anti-capitalist”, in addition to explicitly opposing the invaders, it also made spicy criticism for the Javanese nobles who were considered to live wasteful and no matter the marginalism.

His name is often juxtaposed with Semaun, Tan Malacca, or other Left Islamic groups. Among the Islamic movement, indeed the name was almost never called because of communism. Even though according to him, Islam and Communism do not always have to be confronted, Islam should be a religion that moves to fight oppression and injustice.

Since IJB Haji Misbach is friends with Hajj Fachroedin from Kauman, Yogyakarta, because it has similarities as a religious leader, as a batik entrepreneur, and comes from the family of Keraton officials. Then they founded the Medan Moeslimin newspaper in 1915. Because of the Hajj Fachroedin as a student and trusted by KH. Ahmad Dahlan (Muhammadiyah figure) that easily was invited to be a contributor to writing in the newspaper. Fachroedin’s at same time also coincided with the establishment of Medan Moeslimin founded “Muhammadiyah’s Voice” in Yogya. In 1917 Misbach and Fachroedin also established a “Moving Islamic” magazine.

Red Hajj Anti Capitalist

Marco Kartodikromo, a journalist who is also a national resurrection activist from the Dutch East Indies at the time, revolves around Misbach:

… in the sight of Misbach there is no different among an ordinary thief with the person who is in a rank, as well as between tambourines and klenengan, among the face-covered Hajj bok and the people of Arabic ways and the work of the head of the Java way. And so he likes to wear a head cloth rather than wearing Turkish or severe caps like clothing most people called “Hajj”.

What implied by Marco’s writing is Misbach populism. Populism a Hajj, as well as a trader who is aware of the suppression of the Dutch colonialism and is interested in revolutionary ideas that began to hit the Indies at that time.

Misbach immediately plunged into organizing in the people’s bases. Establish organizations and organize strikes or general meetings Vergadering which is used as a pulpit of colonialism and capitalism. People describe themselves as a figure who did not hesitate to get along with young children Klenengan (Javanese music) with the popular song. Another article about Misbach said, in the middle of the youth community, he became a tasty talking friend. While in the midst of a Puppet addict, he is more respected than the Director of Puppets.

Misbach is very anticipational. Who is strongly believed to be a Capitalist Antek who tormented the people will face through articles in Medan Moeslimin or “Islam Moving”. No matter whether he is also an activist of Islamic organizations. Making peace with the Dutch East Indies government is a path that will be resisted. Then the anti-political group, anti-strike, explicitly considered opposite the mission of justice.

Misbach made a cartoon in Islam moving an edition of April 20, 1919. The contents of the Dutch capitalist who sucked farmers, would work for them, giving small wages, burdening taxes. Surakarta Resident was sued, Naku Buwono X was sued because of oppressing oppressively. Misbach’s typical rhetoric, appeared in the cartoon as “sound from outside the world of farmers”. It reads, “Don’t be afraid, don’t worry”. This sentence triggered the awareness and courage of farmers to strike. The extremity of Misbach’s attitude made him arrested, May 7, 1919, after doing a dozens of meetings of “Kring” (subgroups of plantation farmers). But finally Misbach was released on October 22 as an important victory of Sarekat Indies (SH), the organization of Bumiputera.

Misbach confirmed to the people “Don’t be afraid of being punished, dumped, hung”, while explaining the difficulties of the prophet broadcasting Islam. Misbach also figure in addition to placing himself in the struggle against the capitalist, he believes in communist understanding. Misbach admired Karl Marx. Marx in Misbach’s eyes contributed to defending the poor, denouncing capitalism as the culprit of the destruction of human values. Agage is damaged by capitalism so it must be resisted with historically materialism.

Communist Party Involved

PKI Congress dated March 4, 1923 which was attended by 16 branches PKI, 14 branches Red SI and some communist union associations, Misbach provide a description of the relevance of Islam and communism by showing the verses of the Qur’an as well as criticizes hypocritical White SI leaders and make Islam as a blanket to enrich themselves. In 1923 also, he wrote criticizing the Tjokroaminoto in Medan Moeslimin under the title “Testament Semprong: Discipline Organsisi Tjokroaminoto Toxic People Movement Indies”.

His disappointment Islamic institutions that are not expressly defend the poor, made him opt United Kommunist in Indie (PKI) when CSI (Central SI) broke bore PKI / SI Red, even established PKI Surakarta section. He also appeared as the PKI leaders in Surakarta, which then transforms paper into Ra’jat Moving Moving Islam and the de facto unification Yogyakarta PKI organ of Malay, Doenia Baroe, in September 1923. Moving Ra’jat Fighting against capitalism, not rendering him unable to uphold Islam. For him, the fight against capitalist and followers alike with battling demons.

Living the Future Exiles

Month of May 1919 due to strikes of farmers lead, Misbach and other movement leaders in Surakarta arrested. On May 16, 1920, he was re-arrested and imprisoned in Pekalongan for 2 years and 3 months. On August 22, 1922 he returned to his home in Kauman, Surakarta. March 1923, he has emerged as a propagandist PKI and SI Red, talk about the alignment between communist and Islamic understanding. On October 20, 1923, Misbach back thrown in jail on charges of engaging in revolutionary actions are burning wards, the overthrow of the train bombings and others. In July 1924, he was arrested and exiled to Manokwari on charges of orchestrating strikes and terror and sabotage in Surakarta and surrounding areas. Although not the first exiled but he is the first person who actually went into exile in the Indian region itself.

Associated with the “terror” that occurred in the Java, Misbach remains believed to be his brain. He was arrested. In the investigation of the facts against him although later the witness said he gave false testimony because of the lure paid from Hardjosumarto, who “arrested” him. Hardjosumarto himself also admitted distributing pamphlets pictures of the hammer, sickle, and skulls, burn wards Sekatenan, and bombed Mangkunegaran. However Misbach still not released. He was banished to Manokwari, Papua, along with his wife and three children. It turned out that the disposal did not stop moving, he still managed to set up a branch of the People Sarekat Manokwari, whose members were never more than 20 because of interference Dutch police. In addition, he also compiled a glowing article “Islamism and Communism”. Terrain Moeslimin then load the article,

Religion by equally common sense to God Almighty equality for all men in the world of social life, high and despicable human being only dependent on the favor of humanity. Moral is divided into three parts: the human mind, animal mind, the mind of the devil. Moral of humanity basically have the feeling of public safety; animal mind only the pursuit of safety and self-indulgence; and mind of demons that always mischief and public safety.

Amid the ferocity of nature in exile, he contracted malaria and died on May 24, 1926 and is buried in the cemetery Fanindi, Manokwari, beside the grave of his wife.

Regarding the story of how Haji Misbach married and settle down his family was dark side who almost never revealed by sources, when the death, three children who have become orphans brought back to Java. Has not discovered how Haji Misbach real depth view of the Islamic economic system, capitalist and Communist where there is a fundamental difference in the three systems. However, the author tries to understand the real motivation Haji Misbach movement which at the time of the people who have been educated and enlightened to realize that real people are suffering due to the occupation of colonialism. Haji Misbach not deny the teachings of Islam but was disappointed on the organization of the Islamic movement at that time that may take different methods to resist the occupation, the spirit and the surge struggling Haji Misbach found its way when that time Marxism (Communist) hit the country especially on the concept of resistance openly and revolutionary.

  1. Tirto.id Haji Misbach Haji Revolusioner Yang Memadukan Islam Komunisme ↩︎

  2. Majalah Intisari Majalah Intisari (cetak) Edisi Juni 2021, Halaman 100. ↩︎

  3. Masroor Library Haji Mohamad Misbach Sosok Kiri Tokoh Pergerakan RI Yang Diasingkan Belanda ↩︎

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